Meet Jorinde and Sally: Helping people explore communication for deeper connections and a more fulfilling life 

About Peace Talks

Peace Talks was born out of our shared love for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and our desire to share it as widely as possible as a way to bring about deep transformation in people, families and communities. We have a vision of a peaceful, playful world in which people are empowered to speak truth with love, to change patterns and systems to better care for human need, and to care for one another with compassion. We love to work alongside people and communities to help them to apply the principles of NVC in their daily lives and to create sustainable communities of support. We offer workshopsmediation and private sessions in person in Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand and online. 

Our Mission

To support people to experience the richness of a deep, felt sense of meeting others with authenticity and compassion.

Using the principles and skills  of Nonviolent Communication, we work alongside people and communities to help them to bring about their own inner transformation as well as change in the world around them. We acknowledge and mourn the genuine structural problems of the world while also empowering, energising and enabling people to create transformation within their own lives and communities, aligned with their deepest values and vision.  We support people to experience the richness of a deep, felt sense of truly meeting other human beings with authenticity and compassion. 

Our Story

Back in 2020, after raising her children in Auckland, Sally and her husband decided to change their lifestyle and explore new living options. They traveled across New Zealand with their children, eventually settling in Dunedin to be closer to family, this time in the countryside. While searching for a permanent home, they found a temporary spot to camp with their caravan on a small farm north of Dunedin.

When their host, Jorinde, came to greet them, she was overwhelmed with joy to realize she was no longer alone with her dreams. Sally and Jorinde quickly discovered they shared a passion for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a way to explore new ways of being in the world. They attended NVC courses together, practiced, and after completing a visioning process, they decided to co-found Peace Talks.


"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The two of you collaborating/working together gives me such joy. You do have so much experience, wisdom, care and positive intention in presenting the learning of NVC. Your care for us all just shines from you. Thank you to you both"


"What can I say! Absolutely everything resonated with me. I am really going to use these skills/tools in my life. This course feels like an awakening that I believe in and want to use to improve my relationships with my family. I loved the way Sally and Jorinde seemed to play to each other's strengths, it is so obvious what a great team you make"


"Excellent well put together workshop, beautifully and thoughtfully structured. Jorinde and Sally are consciously aware and loving hosts/guides/teachers of this learning. I can't wait to put this learning into practice and come back for the advanced learning"

More About Sally
More About Jorinde